Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brace yourself

A couple of hours after my run yesterday the pain in my knee made it increasingly difficult to completely extend my leg. My knee was broken in college and at the time I had surgery to remove a portion of my kneecap, repair a torn ligament and remove some cartilage. It hasn't given me much grief since then, except for the occasional ache on a rainy day, but as I contemplated the purchase of a knee brace I hesitated, fearing what I am inevitably becoming - old.

I've been in races where some runners look like they are recovering from very bad car accidents, with braces securing all body hinges. One has to wonder if their doctor gave them clearance to exert themselves in that way. What's really depressing is they probably beat me.

Today at basketball I found it amusing the lengths at which we go to run and jump and play a game usually reserved for high school and college students or well paid professional athletes.

Ankle injuries are devastating, not just for the person injured, but for the whole group. We need all the players we can get and injury is just not allowed. Three of us have had severe ankle injuries because of basketball. Here Emily, I, and Sarah are modeling our Active Ankle braces.

Here is the all too common jammed finger injury, unless of course it's a broken finger injury which this one might have been. But kudos to Brook for the fortitude to keep playing.

I don't play tennis but I have a serious case of tennis elbow. Wearing this brace evens out the pain and allows me to shoot the ball. It also allows me to put away the dishes and other seemingly easy tasks that aren't so easy when one's arm doesn't work.

Emily wears not just one but two knee braces. Who's old now?!

How badly do you want to play the game? Are you willing to spend a half hour reinforcing weakened joints to run a half hour race or play a 20 minute pick up game? I believe dedication to your sport of choice should not be measured by races run, games played or even trophies earned but rather by how many braces you wear in order to play.

Love your game, no matter what.